Bruder-Klaus-Kapelle Schönwald
Small church in the idyllic Weißenbach valley. Built in 1957 and consecrated in 1961.
The chapel itself was built in 1957 under the direction of Pastor Johann Riegelsberger and financed by generous donations from the residents of the Weißenbach valley. According to the local history book, the small church was not consecrated until 1961.
Easter Monday 1961 was a big celebration for the inhabitants of the idyllic Weißenbachtal valley, which they still remember fondly. After more than six years of construction, the Brother Klaus Chapel was consecrated on this beautiful early spring day by the priest at the time, Father Johann Riegelsberger.
It was a dream come true. During the Second World War, the owner of the land, former Mathisen farmer Johann Mark, and his wife Maria Josepha had already made a vow to have a chapel. He promised that if his son Alfred, who was to succeed to the large farm estate, returned from the war in good health, he would make the land available for the construction of a chapel.
Father Riegelsberger appealed for donations from his parishioners, especially the people of Weißenbach, in favour of building the chapel and in 1954 the foundation stone was laid for the chapel to be dedicated to Brother Klaus.
However, the long winters and the storms and rain have taken their toll on the chapel in recent years, so that the bell tower had to be lifted off years ago for safety reasons and fitted with new beams. An automatic chime made it easier for the long-time sacristan, Hedwig Moosmann, to make the daily journey to the chapel in her neighbourhood to ring the warning bell over the wide Weißenbach valley at noon and in the evening at 6 pm.
During Pastor Karl Hansmann's time in office, there was a desire to have an organ of his own. An electronic organ was purchased and the organist of the St Antonius parish in Schönwald, Irmgard Stenger, waived her annual financial compensation until the organ was paid for. Due to the urgent need for repairs to the exterior of the chapel - the plastering and eaves could no longer be postponed - the parish council decided to commission the work. The wish to enlarge the sacristy at the same time had to be postponed for financial reasons.
78141 Schönwald im Schwarzwald