Friedhofskapelle Schönwald
Former funeral chapel at Schönwald cemetery
Owned by the parish of Schönwald, probably built in 1852
At the beginning of the 19th century, those responsible in Schönwald considered building a new, larger parish church. The cemetery next to the church had to be relocated for this purpose. The parish bought a plot of land above the village for the new churchyard. The new cemetery was consecrated on 6 December 1835. However, it took a few more years; the chapel was probably built around 1852. The following is written in the local chronicle of the municipality of Schönwald:
"As early as October 1836, a church collection for a chapel on the Gottesacker began; however, the time of its completion cannot be clearly determined. As late as 1852, the expenses for it were not fully covered, which is why an offering box was set up. However, a service was held in the chapel in the cemetery on the Wednesday of the week of supplication in 1852. Similarly, the parish mass was celebrated in the Gottesackerkapelle chapel in September 1854 with the permission of the archbishop due to repair work in the old church." Source: Local chronicle - Schönwald in past and present by Richard Dorer and Karl Opp.
The official consecration took place on Ascension Day, 17 May 1860.
The chapel was completely renovated in 1964. In 2004, a new, modern funeral parlour was built on the new part of the cemetery, which was inaugurated in the presence of the then Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, Erwin Teufel, on Volkstrauertrag 2004. However, the bell of the old chapel still rings on these occasions.
A modern funeral parlour at the Schönwald cemetery has taken over the function of the funeral parlour.
Friedhofskapelle Schönwald
Friedhofstraße 1
78141 Schönwald im Schwarzwald