The Lehenkopf Tower stands on the 1,039 metre high Lehenkopf, right on the Schluchtensteig long-distance footpath between St Blasien and Dachsberg. The tower is 18 metres high and offers a magnificent panoramic view over St Blasien.
The Lehenkopf Tower, built in 1886, stands on the 1,039 metre high Lehenkopf, right on the Schluchtensteig trail. In 1975, the former 22 metre high tower was reduced to its current height of 18 metres. After 40 years, the tower was restored in 2015 and reopened in spring 2016. The restoration work cost €43,000, half of which was subsidised by the Southern Black Forest Nature Park. A wooden floor was installed in the lower part of the tower.
Stadt St. Blasien
zwischen St.Blasien und Dachsberg
79837 St.Blasien