Rehabilitationsklinik Katharinenhöhe
Katharinenhöhe offers a wide range of therapy options for physical and mental illnesses. This holistic approach speeds up the recovery process and opens up positive perspectives. We have developed the therapy concepts based on this self-image.
Our rehabilitation programme initially ensures the child's medical healing process. The restoration of a harmonious and sustainable family balance makes a significant contribution to the child's physical and psychological strengthening.
However, family-orientated rehabilitation achieves even more. It responds to problems in the family as a whole - after all, the family itself is the patient. Our experience shows that around 30 per cent of parents and many younger siblings suffer from somatic and psychosomatic symptoms. Our care concept therefore includes not only the health-related but also the psychosocial rehabilitation of all family members. In this way, the patient child and their family find their way back to normality together, trust is built up and they learn to live with any disabilities or limitations.
As family togetherness often suffers considerably during therapy in the acute clinic, we ensure that the family has time for each other during rehabilitation, can recharge their batteries and find themselves.
We provide medical care for all family members, establish diagnoses and individual therapies and combine this with health-promoting offers and counselling.
Rehabilitationsklinik Katharinenhöhe
Oberkatzensteig 11
78141 Schönwald im Schwarzwald