St. Andreas Kirche Neukirch
Andrew - the miracle worker
Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter, a fisherman by trade (Gospel of Mark 1, 16); he came from Bethsaida - today the hill Et-Tell near Ad Dardara in Syria - (Gospel of John 1, 14) or from Capernaum - a place on Lake Gennesaret that has now disappeared (Gospel of Mark 1, 29). He was the first person Jesus called as his disciple; previously he was a follower of John the Baptist (Gospel of John 1, 35 - 40). In the circle of the twelve disciples, he is mentioned at various points in the order of precedence. According to the Gospel of Mark (13, 3), he was one of only four disciples to whom Jesus gave a discourse on the end times. In the feeding of the 5000 according to the Gospel of John, he pointed to the boy with the loaves and fishes (6, 8f). According to John 12:22, together with Philip he was the intercessor for Greeks who wanted to see Jesus; he therefore seems to have had a good knowledge of Greek. He was present at the Last Supper in Jerusalem, at the Ascension and at Pentecost, otherwise he is not specifically mentioned. Source: Dictionary of Saints
78120 Furtwangen Neukirch