"60 ist das neue 40… Männerträume eines Italo Schwaben" mit Robert Capitoni
Are the good years really sex, drugs and rock n roll? Or rather outdoor swimming, ice cream and chips?
When he was young, 60 was already old, so really old. Today we think: Tom Cruise, Campino, Jim Carrey and Roberto Capitoni are all over 60?
When he was young, 60 was already old, so really old. Today we think: Tom Cruise, Campino, Jim Carrey and Roberto Capitoni are all over 60?
Is it because of the new titanium hips, Viagra or good wife care?
Daily countless offers that all end up in the spam folder, from safe weight loss, to relief from prostatitis, to varicose vein products, don't help Roberto in this case either.
So what do you do now? Skin creams or Botox after all?
He realises that invitations to milestone birthdays are decreasing just as much as funerals are increasing. He is also about to get a discount on train fares, which is an advantage for a half-Swabian.
Lively stand-up comedy in 4D: see, hear, feel, laugh! And where Capitoni is on the label, Roberto is also known to be in it.