Gluggere Obed - ein Abend von Frauen für Frauen
The Feldberghalle in Altglashütten will once again be the venue for one of the most popular carnival highlights in the region: the Gluggere Obed - organised by women for women - invites you to an evening full of foolish cheerfulness.
Translated from Alemannic, Gluggere = chickens.
Since 1962, the Gluggere Wiieber (Chicken Women) carnival group has been organising the legendary Gluggere-Obed (Chicken Evening) on the Tuesday before Dirty Thursday (known as Altweiberfastnacht in the Rhineland carnival). The event is for women by women only - no men are allowed in.
Once again this year, the Feldberg ladies put together a programme of local political and worldly topics that is popular far beyond the town's borders. Also taking part this year: Alpen Eddi & Co.
Catering and music from 19:00.
The visitors have been impressing for many years with their creative and elaborate costumes. That's why there's a special innovation this year:
For the first time, a costume award will be held at Gluggere Obed.
Anyone who wants to take part, whether as an individual or as a group, will be photographed by a photographer at Gluggere Obed. The pictures will be uploaded to Instagram, where everyone can vote for the winners until Ash Wednesday. The three costumes with the most hearts will receive a special prize: a bottle of homemade egg liqueur from the Gluggere, who are known for their sweet surprises.
The Gluggere are looking forward to experiencing an unforgettable evening together with their visitors, where tradition and girl power go hand in hand.
Advance ticket sales for the Feldberger Gluggere Obed:
Get your tickets for a cheerful evening by women for women! Men are of course also allowed to buy tickets in advance. The Gluggere Wiieber Feldberg e.V. are looking forward to seeing you!
Saturday, 1 February 2025, from 10:00 to 12:00 in the foyer of the Feldberghalle.
Further information, any remaining tickets after the pre-sale and news about the event can be found on Instagram (@gluggerewiiberfeldberg_ev) and Facebook (Gluggere Wiieber).