"ISS WAS" - Tobias Sudhoff und Band
Musician, chef, cabaret artist, entertainer, author and positive seducer.
Who is this man who cooks for us by ear, makes our brains laugh and intelligently touches our senses and souls in equal measure?
The most wonderful aromas waft into the room from the cooker. A man sits at the grand piano, chatting with us expertly about enjoyment and singing beguilingly beautiful songs. And people laugh and marvel at this charming entertainer, who nonchalantly seduces us into a better life and whets our appetite for more with every note, every story and with all our senses...
Tobias Sudhoff is a virtuoso of the good life. Filled to the brim with passion, curiosity, love and creativity. When he welcomes us as guests on an evening, spoils us with culinary delights and electrifies us musically, then he is in his element with his cooker and his soul, between the keys and the cups, between Riesling Kabinett and captivating cabaret.