Jahresabschlusskonzert der Trachtenkapelle, Trachtenakkordeongruppe und der Chorgemeinschaft
The Trachtenkapelle Hinterzarten, the Trachtenakkordeongruppe Hinterzarten and the Chorgemeinschaft Titisee, Jostal und Hinterzarten cordially invite you to this year's end-of-season concert. Enjoy an evening full of musical variety, traditional sounds and harmonious songs that bring the charm of our region to life.
Look forward to a varied programme that reflects the entire spectrum of our musical passion. The Trachtenkapelle Hinterzarten begins with festive marches, lively polkas and modern pieces for a melodious start. Afterwards, the traditional accordion group will delight you with their sensitive and rhythmic performances. The choir then sings selected pieces. Finally, all the performers take to the stage for an unforgettable musical finale to the season.
We look forward to welcoming you to this special occasion!
Together we will bring the musical year to a close and look forward to the coming one.