KuTipp Reihe - 5. Löffinger Lachnacht - Jubiläums best of
The Löffinger Lachnacht celebrates its anniversary! The artists review the best of the last five years on this evening in the Festhalle Löffingen.
On this evening, the laugh muscles will be strained again! The laughter night is coming to Löffingen for the fifth time. And because this is already a small anniversary, the charming presenter Ole Lehmann has invited four guests who have been there before to perform the best-of. All of them have new material in their luggage and are ready to make Löffingen shake.
Among them are:
Matthias Brodowy is a classic artist: a hypochondriac who expects some kind of super disaster to befall him in the next second. In case of doubt, a dinosaur-like meteorite impact. And that is precisely why he is of the opinion that there is definitely no time for pessimism. Sounds contradictory? At most as contradictory as life itself. But it's actually the only chance to turn things around. Because burying your head in the sand is definitely not breathable! So why not give the apocalypse a leg up and simply take action? With a smile on your face, because it would be a shame to leave the world to people you can never please anyway. And then? Confetti! Biodegradable.
Patrizia Moresco thinks: Life is abundant, we have everything and too much of everything, especially apocalyptic news, so humour can sometimes fall into your wrinkle cream. Not so the
Moresco! One woman, one word, one gag - always big and never poor. Stand-up comedy at its best. Honest, provocative, uproariously funny and always in close contact with the audience. The Italian with a Berlin muzzle is an active volcano. She seethes incessantly and her eruptions are quite something. Instead of lava, she spews punchlines and puns against the zeitgeist that are so hot that they often leave a scorching mark. Nothing and nobody is spared, least of all herself.
A few years ago, Olaf Bossi asked himself the question: Do I really need this? Or can it go away? While objects, appointments and thoughts piled up in his home, calendar and head, his bank account was always empty far too quickly and he lacked time, freedom and satisfaction. He realised that it was time for a fresh start. But how? On a two-year adventure through the minimalism cosmos, he explored which methods of tidying up and clearing out worked brilliantly and which ones flopped. This evening, he will be presenting his most important and humorous findings on his way to becoming a minimalism expert, as well as the methods he has developed himself.
Boris Stijelja is Croatian with a German migration background: he was born in Mannheim and grew up in Croatia. Well, that's how it goes... Now he's back here and wants to go back. Until he gets back there and then wants to go home. In short: it's not easy for him. His German-Croatian life fluctuates between cevapcici, wine festivals and Kehrwoche. In his neighbourhood, German is considered a foreign language - so Boris has a hard time integrating. While his father was still working in construction - for Boris, life is a building site. He stumbles through cultures and life. When camping in the Palatinate Forest, the fire brigade may be called out because slivovitz is not suitable for lighting a barbecue. Boris struggles with himself, with us and with the problems of everyday life in a humorous way - but: he has lived through the civil war and can take a beating.
Tickets soon at all tourist information centres in the Hochschwarwald, on +49(0)7652/1206-0 or www.reservix.de