Literaturcafé in St. Blasien
Jeremias Stein, University of Freiburg, presents his book "Expeditionen ins Eismeer. Travelogues by Julius Payer, Fridtjof Nansen and Ernest Shakleton".
"Expeditions into the Arctic Ocean. Travelogues by Julius Payer, Fridtjof Nansen and Ernest Shakleton"
In the seas of the Arctic, travellers have always been confronted with a special and often strange landscape. From today's perspective, it is worth taking a look at historical reports that document the voyage through these unknown waters, not least for the contemporary book market. In this context, the reports of the prominent expedition travellers Julius Payer, Fridtjof Nansen and Ernest Shakleton offer the opportunity for a critical historical comparison of the descriptive patterns to which the speaker will devote himself.
As always, there will be an opportunity for discussion with the speaker after the lecture.
The team of the Catholic Public Library is looking forward to your interest and your visit.