Samstagsmarkt in Obermettingen
Small but nice Saturday market!
At our small but well-stocked Saturday market you will only find regional and home-made products.
- Dominik's farm products: Meat and sausage products, bread and eggs
- Beil Peter: Spirits, schnapps
- Berling Tharsi: Historix interactive legends
- Güntert Norbert & Büchner Silke: Honey and honey products
- Fiebelkorn Silke: Flowers and decoration
- Tierfutterschatz, Monse Elke: Natural animal feed, linen and...
- Neumann Beatrice: Spices and teas
- Schilling Tina: Thermomix
- Olymp-Rolf Messerschmidt: Greek specialities
- Früchte Bressan: Fruit and vegetables
- Glückspilz mit Liebe genäht: self-sewn children's clothing
- Black Forest Lynx: game specialities & tree sponsorships
The Förderverein der Dorfentwicklung Obermettingen e.V. will be providing refreshments and the Landfrauen Obermettingen will be providing coffee and cake.