Wandern mit dem Schwarzwaldverein Feldberg: 125 Jahre Westweg
125 years of the Westweg - We are celebrating the anniversary with a relay hike. Take part in the 12th stage!
Hike together with the Black Forest Association on the Notschrei-Haldenhof stage of the Westweg in the Westweg anniversary year.
125 years of the Westweg - 12th stage, 29.05.2025:
Meeting point: Notschrei
Distance: 19 km, altitude difference 616, duration 5 1/2 hours
Difficulty: difficult
Hiking guides: Erika and Maximilian Melch
The hikes are categorised into five levels of difficulty:
Walking time up to 3 hours.
No significant ascents or descents
Walking time up to 3 - 4 hours.
Ascents and descents are less than 400 metres in altitude
The tour is suitable for less experienced hikers.
Walking time up to 4 - 5 hours.
Ascents and descents up to 600 metres in altitude.
Paths can be narrow. Suitable for trained hikers.
Walking time up to 5 - 6 hours.
Ascents and descents of up to 700 metres in altitude
You should be in good physical condition and have some hiking experience.
Walking time of 6 - 8 hours or more.
Ascents and descents of up to 1,000 metres in altitude or more.
Very good physical condition, sure-footedness and hiking experience required.
Expense allowance for car pooling:
If car pools are formed with private cars, the drivers must be reimbursed for their expenses. The exact amount of the expense allowance will be communicated to the participants by the hiking guides before the start of the carpooling trips.
We reserve the right to make changes.
The hiking guides determine the programme of the hikes.
Staying together as a group is essential and the instructions of the hiking guides must be followed.
If you wish to leave the group, please inform the hiking guide first.
Participation in the hikes is always at your own risk.
Neither the Black Forest Association Todtnau nor the hiking guides are liable for accidents, including the use of private cars for drivers and passengers.
Dress appropriately for the hikes and remember to bring rain protection. Sturdy and closed footwear is essential.
It is always recommended to bring a rucksack with sufficient liquids.