Weihnachtskonzert mit Markus Wolfahrt
"Magic of Christmas" with Markus Wolfahrt in the Catholic Church of St. Antonius Schönwald
Ex-Klostertaler makes a guest appearance as a soloist on 6 December 2025 at 19:00 with a contemplative and atmospheric Advent concert under the motto "Alpynia Christmas".
Catering before and after the concert by the local association on the village square
Anyone who hears the name Markus Wolfahrt thinks of the success story of the "Klostertaler". Until August 2010, he was not only the band leader and frontman of the group, but also pulled all the strings and was honoured with numerous gold and platinum records, multiple Echo nominations, two Grand Prix victories as well as winning the "Golden Tuning Fork" and the Amadeus Music Award.
At this Advent concert in Schönwald, he shows his contemplative side and transports the audience to pre-Christmas soundscapes with his flugelhorn project "Alpynia".
Of course, he also sings and has one or two Christmas carols in his luggage. From "Feliz Navidad" to the "Andachtsjodler", from "Es wird scho glei dumpa" to "Jingle Bells". As well as various Christmas stories or funny little anecdotes that can also happen at this very special time.
Before and after the concert, catering will be provided by a local association on the village square.