Wine tasting
Weinprobe im Hotel Adler
ab €15.00 / pro Person
Wines from regional wineries are presented at wine tastings at the Hotel Adler in Bärental on the last Friday of every month.
Wines from the region can be tasted once a month at the Hotel Adler in Feldberg-Bärental. The hosts serve appetisers to accompany the wine tasting. In an open and cosy atmosphere, guests can talk about the presented winery and about wine in general.
The following wineries will be presenting their wines on the dates listed:
- Weingut Landerer, Vogtsburg-Oberrotweil (31/01/2025)
- Schwarzwaldweingut Andreas Männle, Durbach (28.02.2025)
- Winery Martin Waßmer, Bad Krozingen (28/03/2025)
- Winery not yet known (25/04/2025)
- Lämmlin Schindler Winery, Schliengen (30/05/2025)
- Seybold winery, Lauffen am Neckar (27/06/2025)
- Winery Dr Heger, Ihringen (25.07.2025)
- Karl H. Johner Winery, Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl (29/08/2025)
- Wine agency Maute, Neuhausen ob Eck (26/09/2025)
- Julius Zotz Winery, Heitersheim (24 October 2025)
- Landmann Winery, Freiburg im Breisgau (28 November 2025)