Rundweg vom Balzer Herrgott zur Hexenlochmühle
Beautiful circular hike to the famous Hexenlochmühle and the Balzer Herrgott.
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
The Balzer Herrgott is a stone statue of Christ that has grown into a beech tree over the years. The tree is around 300 years old and the cross once stood on the Königenhof, which was destroyed by an avalanche in 1844. The arms and legs of the statue were then cut off, carried up into the forest and leant against a beech tree. Before the cross disappeared completely into the beech tree, the carver Josef Rombach uncovered the head and chest of the figure so that visitors could view it.
Built in 1825, the Hexenlochmühle now houses an inn which also sells Black Forest ham, farm specialities, schnapps and berry wines, bee honey, cuckoo clocks and carved figures.