Schönwälder Kuckucksuhrenpfad
Go on a journey with Kucky and Romi to the invention of the cuckoo clock
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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On the cuckoo clock trail in Schönwald in the Black Forest, you will experience a possible story about the invention of the cuckoo clock. Exciting riddles await you and you will learn everything you need to know about the cuckoo clock.
How did the cuckoo get into the clock?
In our story, Kucky the cuckoo falls asleep in the cuckoo clock in Franz Ketterer's workshop and is stolen.
Now it's up to you:
Help Romi the squirrel to find her best friend Kucky again.
Follow the trail that Kucky has left for Romi. This leads you on a short circular route through Schönwald (approx. 2 km) past various stations where you can solve tasks relating to the cuckoo clock.
You can enter your solutions in the accompanying booklet and take part in the competition. Great prizes await you.
All children and young people up to their 16th birthday can take part in the competition.
You can buy the booklet at the start of the trail for €2. Either bring it with you or pay on site via PayPal. Please pack a pen or pencil to fill in the puzzle. You can drop the completed section in the letterbox at the town hall.
This project was supported by the
South Black Forest with funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg,
the Glücksspirale lottery and the European Union (EAFRD). Here, Europe is investing in rural areas co-financed by
the state of Baden-Württemberg.