Bertl’s Doll House
An exhibition of around 500 lovingly hand-knitted dolls. Visits possible outside opening hours. Make a reservation by calling +49 (0)7653-1819
Bertl Berndt has spent many years lovingly creating artistic handiwork. In 1978, her dolls were exhibited at the BZ Hobby Exhibition under the theme “Activities of a Freiburg Housewife”. In 1978, Ms Berndt also made two dolls for the Nuremberg Toy Museum which can be viewed there today. In 1983, the ZDF (a German public service television broadcaster) introduced her impressive handiwork in a programme called “Freizeit” (recreation) on 23 January. There are also books by Ms Berndt – instruction manuals that have been translated into several languages: “Homemade Dolls”, “A Doll to Love”, and “Knitting and Crocheting Cuddly Toys”. The dolls are displayed in seven cabinets with varying themes including animals, Ernie and Bert, Maya the Bee, Pumuckel, fairy tales, clowns, teddies, footballers, Eskimos, Indians, Chinese, wedding processions, classrooms, Max and Moritz, and many more. Stories from Bertl Bernd’s childhood can be found in the book: “MICH HAT DER ESEL IM GALOPP VERLOREN” (An idiom meaning something like “Left by the Wayside”). The book can be purchased in the Kappel Tourist Information Centre for € 8.00. All proceeds go to the “Löwenzahn” Nursery in Kappel which the Berndt family has always been very committed to supporting.
Altes Rathaus Kappel
Erlenbachweg 4
79853 Lenzkirch
Bertls Puppenstüble
Erlenbachweg 4
79853 Lenzkirch