Black Forest Highlands Heritage Trail (Heimatpfad Hochschwarzwald)
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
Kulturelle Highlights
Important testimonies of rural life can be haunted here like a living display of local history. Every object of the Trail has a very special charisma. This alone is worth a visit. But beyond they give you plenty of reason to explore, discover and think.
Hofgut Sternen mit Glasbläserei
Höllsteig 76, Breitnau
Tel. 07652/ 9010
chapel in the region − is available at the reception of the hotel. Behind Hofgut Sternen awaits us the highlight of the tour: the Ravenna Viaduct, an impressive stone arch construction. We go through the viaduct and continue uphill through the romantic Ravenna Gorge, past a small lake until you reach Großjockenmühle. At the next crossroads, we go right in the direction of Gasthaus Ketterer. There we have the possibility to take the direct way back to Hinterzarten via School Birklehof or to continue following the millwheel symbol. This way takes us over Rössleberg to an upland moor [Hochmoor]. To return we walk back towards the train station or, alternatively, towards Titisee and the Jockeleshofmühlensäge. The local history society [Heimatpfad Hochschwarzwald e.V.] helps to preserve traditional crafts & trades and historic landmarks.