Förderverein Kreatives Eisenbach e.V.
The Förderverein Kreatives Eisenbach e.V. supports the people of Eisenbach in the fields of music and art.
The purpose of the association "Förderkreis Kreatives Eisenbach e.V." is, according to its statutes, to discover and promote the talents of Eisenbach citizens in schools, companies, associations and the public in the fields of music and art, e.g. painting, sculpture, music, photography, film, computer art, literature, drama, etc. This is done, for example, through sponsorships, workshops, seminars and courses. This is done, for example, through sponsorships, workshops, seminars and courses. Competitions and exhibitions are also organised.
In particular, ideas are to be developed and realised that are dedicated to the preservation of Eisenbach's history, for example through the establishment of a forest museum, as well as the beautification of the village image and the creation of an Eisenbach cultural profile.
In addition, an author competition will be organised to attract authors from all over the German-speaking world to Eisenbach, who will then be invited to Eisenbach for a guest residency. Above all, this should also serve the dialogue with the Eisenbach population in readings, lectures and discussions.
Förderverein Kreatives Eisenbach e.V.
79871 Eisenbach (Hochschwarzwald)
Renate Sinnreich
Glaserweg 18
79871 Eisenbach (Hochschwarzwald)