Geocaching - Der Höchste Schatz des Hochschwarzwaldes
Our geocaching is in hibernation and will be ready for you again in spring. Thank you for your understanding!
Embark on an adventure in the heights of the Black Forest Highlands.
After a leisurely ascent, there is a short steep descent and we find the highest treasure in the Black Forest Highlands.
The adventurous circular trail is approx. 4 km long and takes approx. 3-3.5 hours. Apart from a short section at the end, it is suitable for pushchairs throughout.
The equipment can be hired for €5 (€50 deposit) during opening hours at the tourist information centre in the Haus der Natur (only accessible in summer).
Are you familiar with geocaching and have your own equipment? Then the flyer can also be purchased from us for €1.
Set off now, maybe you'll be lucky and be richly rewarded.
Before you can start, there are a few things to bear in mind:
Please always remember that you are walking through the forest, which is home to many wild animals. Never go cross-country, you don't want anyone wandering through your home. Also take care not to damage the many different plants that make the Black Forest Highlands so unique. It is only thanks to this flora that so many animal species can call the Black Forest Highlands their home. So help to protect nature and leave the forest as you found it! The forest dwellers will thank you for it.
Tourist Information im Haus der Natur
Dr.-Pilet-Spur 4
79868 Feldberg