The Nimm-mich-mit-Häusle is hitchhiking the modern way, to the districts: Alpersbach, Bisten, Windeck and the Rinken.
If you don't have a car, you can sit in the bus shelter at the Nimm-mich-mit-Häusle to get to Alpserbach, Windeck, Rinken or Lochrütte and back again.
Just pull out the slider, which is labelled with one of the districts, and one of the next drivers will stop to give you a lift.
The Nimm-mit-Häusle are located in Alpersbacherstraße opposite the flower shop, at the Scherzingerhof and on the Rinken.
Alpersbacher Straße, beim Scherzingerhof, auf dem Rinken
79856 Hinterzarten
79856 Hinterzarten