Scheibenfelsen Zastler
The upper rocks are closed all year round, the lower rocks are free all year round
The Zastler is a challenging climbing area
The Zastler or Scheibenfelsen is located in the district of Breisgau-Black Forest Highlands, in the municipality of Oberried, from where it is 4 kilometres to the Zastler. The place was named after the Zastler hut, which invites you to have a snack after one of the 25 climbing tours.
Please park in front of the bridge without obstructing the farm access road. There are more car parks a little further down the valley.
The access road to the Zastler Felsen is also particularly suitable for cycling from Freiburg.
From the car park, cross the bridge. At the edge of the forest, look for the small but clear path (sign "K-Fels" at the edge of the forest).
This leads to the left of the scree field through the forest to the access points. Please only use this path!
The Scheibenfelsen are located on the steep slope of the Hinterwaldkopf in the Zastler valley, just 100 metres above the school building.
The Zastler is a challenging climbing area with inclined to steep wall climbing. Be careful when redirecting, some routes require a 60 metre rope. Due to the larger distances between bolts, it is advisable to have a number of wedges with you. The approach and access band are not suitable for families. The route is secured with bolts.
Some of the disc rocks are over 100 m high. However, climbing is only permitted on the lower rocks, which are up to 30 metres high. They feature beautiful wall and intersection climbs and have a difficulty of 5 to 8.
The rocks are located in The preserved forest. The approach to the crag is exclusively on the marked path. Divert at the end of the climbing routes, no exit onto the rock heads. The rock group and the extensive boulder slopes are part of the Natura 2000 area "Black Forest Highlands around Hinterzarten". Observe the ban on magnesia.
The Scheibenfelsen consist of grey-brown gneiss. They are predominantly granite-like anatexites, some with a layered and veined structure. The resistant rock forms high rock faces. Extensive block piles are formed during weathering. The large rock complexes are home to numerous animal and plant species. The name Scheibenfelsen (disc rock) refers to the custom of breaking discs.
Scheibenfelsen Zastler
79254 Oberried Zastler