Wanderung zum Sonnenaufgang am Feldberg mit Bergfrühstück
Climbing the Feldberg summit in the early hours of the morning is a very special team experience. The moment when the sun rises above the horizon and sends the first rays of sunshine towards the Black Forest Highlands is magnificent and fascinating.
The hike begins when everything is still quiet. We want to enjoy the peace and quiet, so we set off quietly. As dusk falls, nature begins to awaken. The higher we climb, the further we can see into the surrounding, still sleeping valleys. Once we reach the summit, we have to wait a little while for the natural spectacle to begin. Sunrise is a brief and precious moment. As an observer, you are surprised every time anew by the special play of colours it emits. We sunrise hikers can now really enjoy the subsequent mountain breakfast (optional extra) in a rustic hut.
Schneeschuh Akademie Hinterzarten
Freiburger Straße 31
79856 Hinterzarten