Big Blasiwald tour
Here you can experience nature up close, even in winter. This circular hike takes you right through the snow-covered winter landscape.
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
Beautiful winter hike through the Blasiwald forest past a small chapel.
Your tour starts at the Muchenland car park in Schluchsee-Blasiwald. Follow the Wittemle trail to the Wittemle hut. Follow the trail along the Hüttenstaudenweg to the Althütte car park. You will soon pass a small chapel dedicated to St Pantaleon. Continue along the Blasiwald road to the Sommerseite junction. Turn left and follow the Sommerseite road back to the Muchenland car park.
We recommend winter-proof equipment. If necessary, bring a rucksack lunch and warm tea.
Please note that the snow clearance and preparation of the paths depends on snow and weather conditions and not all paths can be cleared or rolled at the same time.