Rinken/Raimartihofweg cross-country ski trail
Medium-difficulty tour from Rinken to the idyllically situated lake Feldsee and back.
The Rinkenloipe is a beautifully situated trail that starts at the former Gasthof Jägerheim. The start is quite easy and leads into the forest towards Raimarithof. After a few metres you will find yourself on a beautiful 3 km descent that ends at Rufenholzplatz. Turn right there. Follow the relatively flat stretch to Raimartihof. This is where the climb back to Rinken begins.
Weitere Informationen
You can find more information about the Windeck cross-country ski trail in the cross-country ski trail portalDSV premium cross-country ski trails:Together with the municipalities, the cross-country ski trail clubs and the Southern Black Forest Nature Park, the Safety in Skiing Foundation (SIS) and the DSV Environmental Advisory Board have worked to develop the quality of the cross-country ski trail centres in the Southern Black Forest in recent years. 1,200 km of trails have been certified as DSV nordic active centres according to international criteria, signposted using a standardised system, equipped with information boards and local trail flyers and made accessible to internet users in a comprehensive form via the DSV trail portal (www.loipenportal.de). In addition, a cross-country trail map has been developed that shows all certified cross-country trail centres in a unique overview and quality and contains specific suggestions and tips for cross-country skiers in the southern Black Forest.