Grand tour around Lenzkirch
A grand tour around Lenzkirch with great views of the town.
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
Lenzkirch offers refreshment stops where you can warm yourself up with a cup of tea or coffee.
The tour starts at the Kurhaus in Lenzkirch. On the north side of the Haslach, past the "Faller Holzschnitzerei", the trail first leads eastwards for approx. 1.5 km. There you cross the foothills of the Strohberg (Lehen) and continue through an idyllic side valley up to Kappel. The way back leads via the Mühlhaldenweg up to the Strohberg. From there, you can enjoy a wonderful view of Lenzkirch across the Ursee valley to Raitenbuch. Via Sommerbergstraße, you reach the starting point in the town centre.
We recommend winterproof equipment!
Please pay attention to the signs on the hiking trail. You can find precise and detailed information about the signposts and the hiking guidance system on our website. Call 112 in an emergency.
Weitere Informationen
Premium winter hiking trail
Premium winter hiking trails are specially maintained and signposted winter hiking trails that have been developed in collaboration with the German Sport University Cologne. The routes are selected so that they are mostly very scenic and as easy to walk as possible. The winter hiking trails are checked and cleared or rolled daily and are mostly circular hiking trails.